jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

These are the teacher training courses we are to do next summer:

1- "Active Methodology" in Edimburgh (Scotland).
2- "Talking to people: Cooperative Methodology for Teaching" in Dublin (Ireland).
3- "Methodology and English Language for Kindergarten Teachers" in Pilgrims, Canterbury (England).
4- "Creative Methodology for the Classroom" in Pilgrims, Canterbury.
5- "Practical Uses of Technology in the Language Classroom", in Pilgrims.
6- " CLIL: Content and Methodology for Primary Teachers" in Pilgrims.
7- " CLIL: Content and Methodology for Secondary Teachers" in Canterbury.

All the teachers are looking forward to learning new teaching techniques based in Multiple Intelligences, cooperative work and ICT, associated to the new creative and innovative methodological approaches existing nowadays. Furthermore, we would like our pupils to assume  and be aware of belonging to Europe. With this project is our desire to open our school to Europe, broaden our horizons thanks to the pieces of work that have been proposed and using the eTwinning platform.

The whole project will mean a great benefit to all our Educative Community owing to the fact that it will improve the quality of the formation that we offer to our pupils with a clear intention  to make our school internacional and to make it accesible to Europe.

So, here begins our Erasmus+ adventure. Would you like to join us? Yes? Great! Thanks a million!!!  And as our school motto says : THE MORE WE WELCOME, THE MORE WE ARE.

Trinity College ( Dublin)

These are the places where teachers will be formed.

The University of Edinburgh

This is part of our project that aims to provide our students with plenty of activities and experiences which will surely broaden their horizons to enjoy an international environment.
Welcome evrybody