This is my second week at the University of Kent and the same as my previous colleagues, Ana Diaz, Maribel, Sergio and Yolanda, I could not be more pleased than I am!!! Although it is summer and I am missing the sunny (not the hot temperatures, though) weather in Spain. I believe this is one of the best experience, professionally talking, I have ever had.
I have met a fantastic group of 12 teachers from different countries and I am sharing with them very interesting topics about our daily jobs at schools.
Hola de nuevo!
Esta es mi segunda semana en la Universidad de Kent e igual que mis anteriores companeros (recordad que estoy escribiendo con un teclado ingles), Ana Diaz, Maribel, Sergio y Yolanda, no podria estar mas contenta aqui. Aunque es verano y echo de menos el tiempo soleado de Espana (aunque no las altas temperaturas). Creo que es una de las mejores experiencias, profesionalmente hablando, que he podido tener.
He conocido un grupo fantastic de 12 profesoras de diferentes paises y estoy compartiendo con ellas temas muy interesantes sobre nuestro trabajo diario en nuestros colegios.
This week we have been working about warming up our pupils with art, drama, poetry and music. We have worked with different teachers like Linda Yael, Marta, Stefi and Julie Wallis. We have also discussed about our students' problems with grammar and the writing skill. We have put into practise some innovated strategies and some activities to get our student engaged in grammar. Furthermore, we have worked with a branch of tasks related to "Multiple Intelligences" and using online resources in the class.
Esta semana hemos estado trabajando como motivar a nuetros alumnos al inicio de una clase utilizando el arte, dramatizacion, poesia y musica. Hemos trabajado con diferentes profesores como Linda Yael, Marta, Stefi y Julie Wallies. Hemos reflexionado tambien sobre los problemas que nuestros alumnus tienen con la gramatica y la expresion escrita. Hemos puesto en practica varias estrategias innovadoras y actividades para atraer y motivar a nuestros alumnus. Ademas, hemos trabajado con un abanico de tareas relacionadas con las Inteligencia Multiples y el uso de recursos online en la clase.
I have attended a plenary "Creativity: What is it?" by Alan Maley and some workshops like "Creative Use of Images" By Linda Yael, "The Power of Influence" by Lizzie Wojkowska-Wright, "Improvisation for the Language Classroom" by Peter Dyer and "Conflict Resolution for General ELT&ESP: Use English to learn conflict resolution, use conflict resolution to learn English".
Apart from these academic practice, we have had some other cultural plans like sightseeing in Canterbury, visiting villages by the seaside and having fun in pubs!!!
Bye bye for now!!!