miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

Training with different teachers from my own

Hello again!

So far this week and also last week, I have attended some afternoon workshops with different teachers at Pilgrim school.
In general, the information we are given is pretty interesting and we are taught some useful ways to approach our subjects in a different way.
Some times, these workshops are based on theoretical contents (scaffolding, blended learning, the flipped classroom...) but on other occasions, they are much more entertaining and we are spoken about traditions, culture, films, storytelling, etc.
I will know upload some pictures of some of the activities I have been to.

Stephania Balloto during her workshop

Today, for example , I have attended a plenary with another trainer ( Anthony Gaughan) who had already been to my class with an interesting lecture on "40 things to do with a text"

Anthony Gaughan during the plenary

The last example of extra lessons is a workshop we have had on Extensive Reading.
OUP has presented some materials and activities to improve our students' reading competence.

Como parte complementaria de nuestra formación asistimos a clases voluntarias por las tardes.A veces, son clases teóricas pero otras son más dinámicas y ofrecen nuevos enfoques metodológicos con muchas actividades que se pueden llevar a cabo en el aula.
En este caso, aparecen los talleres de Stephania Balloto que versaba sobre Listening activities, el plenario de Anthony Gaugan y una clase sobre Extensive Reading que nos ofreció Oxford University Press

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