lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

Training abroad

Hello from Canterbury! I'm Maribel León, an English teacher at school and I have just finished my first week in Canterbury. My Erasmus+ course is called "Practical Uses of Technology in the English classroom". Our teacher is really knowledgeable in the subject. His name is Amadeu and we are 6 trainees in class. They are from different countries all over Europe.
My teacher Amadeu
My classmates
The classes are compulsory from 9:00 AM to 3.30 PM, but we have extra optional lessons every afternoon from 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM which are related to different topics: culture, music, dancing, storytelling, drama, etc.

Besides, Canterbury is a reallly beautiful place t visit .We are near London, where we have spent the weekend) and the villages around here are pictursque. Dover with its white cliffs or Whitstable...

My classes are very practical and we are learning about different applications to create new materials by using new technologies .They are very useful and will make my classes much more attractive and connected to the new IT our students are more used to dealing with.

I will now show you some of the products I have created.This one is poetry .

We have also learnt other apps.

And yesterday I created this...

Hola desde Canterbury. Soy Maribel, profesora de ESO y Bachillerato en el colegio y estoy haciendo un curso que se llama "Practical Uses of Technology in the English Classroom".
El curso dura dos semanas. Las clases obligatorias son desde las 9:00 a las 3:30 y también tenemos talleres opcionales desde las 4:00 hasta las 9:30.
En mi clase somos 6 personas de distintos países de Europa y fundamentalmente estamos aprendiendo a usar herramientas que se encuentran en la red para buscar recursos y generar nuestros propios materiales.
Canterbury es una ciudad preciosa conocida por los cuentos de Chaucer y también por su impresionante catedral .
He creado enlaces a algunas de las actividades que he creado en clase.
Espero que os guste.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola Maribel, me parece muy interesante todo lo que estáis aprendiendo en el curso. Esta experiencia va a ser muy importante para tu trabajo.
