jueves, 29 de junio de 2017



Hi Bea,

The International Commission is following your experience at Trinity College, Dublin. We are learning throughout your tasks about cooperative learning and Irish culture. Beautiful song "Galway girl". I also like both versions. Moreover, we are missing you so much.
We know you are going to do a presentation today. GOOD LUCK!!!

Kindest regards,

Magdalena Vellarino

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

Galway girl

This second week we are working more for our own. We are with a new methodology called Inquiry-based learning, and as you can imagine we have to investigate in the net, in the street, asking different people...
Besides, my teacher Ann Marie is teaching us more about the Irish culture. Today we were working about Irish music and we were comparing two songs with the same tittle but very different. 'Galway girl' is the song chosen, one of them is sung by Ed Sheeran (whose father is Irish) and the other one is sung by Mundy. Could you choose one of them? For me it was impossible! I love both of them!

Now we are going to display some pieces of work that the students have created for their presentations. Ahora vamos a mostrar algunos trabajos elaborados por los alumnos de 4º ESO. Edinburgh London

lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

Work display

Hello again! We wanted to share some images of our projects that have been developed from Pre-school Education to Bachillerato. You can still see them at the school hall.We hope you will like it. ¡Hola! Queríamos compartir algunas imágenes de los proyectos realizados desde Infantil hasta Bachillerato. Todavía pueden verlos en el hall de entrada del colegio.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Dear Beatriz,

Santísima Trinidad´s International Commission is very pleased you are having such a fantastic experience at Trinity College University, Dublin. Thank you for sharing your pieces of work with us since we can learn collaborative techniques first hand to put them into practise. It is crucial the whole educative community can benefit from the skills you are learning at your structured course about the Cooperative Methodology.

Send our regards to Molly Malone and have fun!!!

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

A sign of our work

Today we have learnt many things related to Irish sports. We talked about hurling and gaelic football. Besides, we started the morning learning vocabulary of Irish food. At the end, we practised two different graphic organisers, in the first we worked with a recipe and in the second our topic was Ireland.
I'll give you an example ;)
See you soon!

martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Dublin At Last!!!!!!!

At last I´m here! Dublin is a wonderful city with lovely people. From the first moment they are helping you all the time and they give you a fantastic smile. 
The weather couldn´t be better. Sunny and warm (it´s strange but I´m getting tanned here, in Dublin!!)
My Erasmus + course is being great, we are people from different countries: Italy, Finland, Germany, Slovaquia, Spain, France, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic and Greece.
We are sharing our knowledge and my teacher Kevin is teaching us many strategies to apply them in our schools. 
See you soon in the blog ☺☺

jueves, 15 de junio de 2017


The time has come! My trip to Dublin is arriving. I can not wait the moment to start my Erasmus + course(Talking to people: Inquiry-based & Cooperative Methodology). I´m going to learn many things to improve my teacher skills with my students.
Dublin is a marvellous city to share a good time with other teachers. I lived there two months a few years ago and it was a great experience.
The place where I´m going to study is the Trinity College. It´s like a dream come true. It has the best library in the world and I can take pleasure in it.

Write you soon from Dublin the next time! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺